
10 Life-Changing Tips for Teenagers

Life changing tips for teenagers

So, here is the 3rd part of my “10 tips for teenagers” in which I share life-changing tips with you that have helped me a lot in my teenage and university life. These tips are specifically for you if you are having trouble with your teenage life or High school, college, or university life. These tips are tested and approved by me so you should surely follow them and most probably these will change your life for good as well.

1. Be friends with failure:

 Fear of failure is the biggest reason that holds back people from getting successful. It is the fear of failure that makes people play it safe and they never do anything new and innovative in their lives and most of them end up living an average life. You will never find a successful or rich person who has not failed or lost anything in their life. So, remember that failure is inevitable and you should always be ready to learn from it. If you fail in something or you get negative results after making a choice or doing something, just accept it. It’s completely ok. Just remember that you are in your teenage and you are constantly learning things. See, everybody has fear of failure, but those who can manage to get ahead of everybody. So, your fear of failure should not hold you back from taking risks and trying new things. Take your failure positively and it will surely make you a better person.

"Failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success."

2. Avoid bad company

Avoid spending your time with the people you think are toxic. It may sound cliché but your company has a great impact on you. Dale Carnegie said in his top-selling book “How to win friends and influence people”: “Show me your friends and I will show you your future.” From this, you can say that the people you hang out with will decide where are you going to stand in the future.

Your company doesn’t include merely your friends. It also includes the social world you spend your time in. The YouTube videos you watch, the articles you read on the web, the books you read, and all have a combined effect on your personality. So, if you are reading this article on my blog, it is leaving a good impact on your personality by reading this, you are adding value to your life.

I like this psychological study a lot, and I have heard about and read it many times on the internet that says. “You are the average of the five people you spend most of the time with.”

I know being alone might feel horrible to some people, especially extroverts, but sometimes it is better to spend time alone rather than spending time with the wrong people.

3. Value your principles

Always prioritize your values and principles, and never give up on your good habits, acts, rule,s and principles just to fit in somewhere. Never compromise on your family values, religious values, or personal values just to fit in with a group of people. Set your boundaries, Set limits for yourself, and never ever allow any other person to go beyond those limits. You can’t give respect to others if you don’t have respect for yourself. Respect yourself first and people will automatically start to respect you. Never let anybody insult you. Never let anybody make fun of you beyond limits. Start taking a stand for yourself.


4. Think about your future:

 Always imagine your future self. Visualizing your future is a very powerful tool. Imagine how you want yourself to be in your future and try to be like that person and take action for it. Your future self is made by the younger you. So, always do things that are going to pay you off in the future. I have a list of things that I consider important for myself to have a paying future, and here I am sharing it with you:

  • Workout and exercise
  • Read books
  • Meditate
  • Work, earn, and learn skills that will earn you money
  • Be nice to people
  • Don’t fall in love with anyone and get attached to anyone
  • Avoid addictions
  • Don’t waste your time
  • Don’t use too much phone
  • Respect yourself and don’t compromise on your self-esteem
  • Do things that will boost your confidence and challenge you
  • Cut out on sugar, sweets, processed food, and fast food and eat good and healthy
  • Sleep 7 hours, drink lots of water, and do skin and hair care
  • Be strong, be masculine, and have control over your emotions and feelings.
  • Never compare yourself to others. You are unique.
  • Be brave and bold. Take risks and be comfortable in saying “No” to others for yourself.

5.  Earn Respect

Make people respect you. One practical way to make people respect you is to look bigger. People subconsciously respect guys more who have a muscular body and are in shape. You are going to get much less respect if you are a skinny guy or a very fat guy. That might sound stupid but that’s a psychological fact. So, do exercise and workouts and build muscles. People will respect you if you are successful or you have money. For now, try to improve your body language, practice a good posture, take space, and talk confidently. This will make you look more dominant and attractive. Treat others respectfully and nicely and people will treat you with respect in return.

 6. Give respect

“Respect begets respect”. People are hungry for respect and appreciation. Respect others’ opinions, beliefs, and characteristics. Give people honest compliments and they won’t help stop thinking about you. It will 100% make you more likable. Acknowledge people’s hard work and struggle. It will boost your social skills and you will be a respected person. Avoid arguments and criticizing, and avoid things that might offend other people.

7.  Don’t be afraid to lose friends

 As I have said before many times, two main fears keep people from succeeding in life. The fear of failure and the fear of losing. We all have things and people whom we fear losing. There might be fear of losing money, losing friends, or losing a loved one, it can be anything. But, most of the things and people in your life aren’t meant to be always with you. One of those things are friends. With time, the level and the standards of your friendships will change. It is ok to move on from the people that are not so good for you and you don’t enjoy being around them anymore. Just take a step back from them and move on. But meet them nicely and slowly take a back step from them. Most people don’t even care about you at all. So, focus on yourself. Remember, people come and go. Those who aren’t in your life anymore didn’t deserve to be there. But your true friends will always be with you in every walk of life. If they aren’t, they were not your true friends at the first place. Everybody comes in your life to give or teach you something. There is a great quote that I read on Instagram.

“You might miss someone but still be happy that they are no more in your life.”

This quote holds true for both friendships and relationships.

8. Be Grateful

 Having a grateful attitude has tremendous positive psychological effects. Research says that grateful people are happier and more successful in their lives. Practicing gratitude trains you to look at the positive aspects of life. It makes your thinking positive and your start to attract positive things in your life. There is no double in it. It happens to everybody. Try being grateful and you will see a lot of positive changes in your life. The best way to practice gratitude is by writing gratitude journal. My mental health has improved a lot ever since I started gratitude journaling. It is really easy and everybody can do this. Here I would like to quote the Quran. Allah (God) says in Quran:

”Be grateful and I will give you more.” So, Islam teaches us that practicing gratitude will bring abundance to our life.

Every night before going to bed, take a paper and pen, and start thinking about the positive things that happened that day, and start writing them down. Or, simply you can write down 10 things that you are grateful for. You can write it down just like this:

  • ·       I am grateful for my good health
  • ·       I am grateful for supportive parents
  • ·       I am grateful that I have good house

Try it for one week and you will see the results by yourself.


9. Take responsibility

 Taking responsibility is the quality that you must own to succeed in life. Whenever something bad happens to you or it ain’t in your favor, just don’t blame it on others and the system, take responsibility for the things that happen to you and admit that there was your fault in it. Got bad grades, don’t blame the school, you just didn’t study enough. EVERYTHING THAT JUST HAPPENED TO YOU IS JUST YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND THE REASON IS ONLY YOU. Take ownership of everything that happens in your life good or bad. Be mature and brave. Blaming others will do nothing to you. But taking responsibility will give you the most.I have written a whole article about taking responsibility and owning things. You can read the whole article here. Seriously it will surely transform the way you think.

10.    Self-humility:

 Ego is your big enemy. If you will keep listening to the ego then you are only going to stagnate in life. Admit that you are not the greatest and you can always be learning. Believe that you can always make things better. If you get initial success in something, just don’t start thinking that you are successful and you don’t need any effort, no, have a growth mindset and believe that there is a constant need for effort and work to be done. No need to be self-deprecating, just always do an analysis of yourself and see what you can improve.

There is a great quote that I read somewhere on the internet:

Confidence is not about thinking that you are greater than other people, it is about thinking that neither you are greater than anybody nor lower than anybody.”




















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