So, here is the next part of the best tips for teenagers on my blog. These are the tips that I have experimented with and have given me a lot of advantages. If follow these tips, you are sure to grow.
1. Stop worrying about others
98% of people spend a big part of their day thinking and worrying about what others think about them. There is an incredible quote that says "What others think about you is none of your business." This is so correct. We cannot change what others think about us. So, stop worrying about it and start doing the stuff that you really wanted to do and that will bring good results to you. In fact, nobody cares as much about us as we think they do. People have their own set of problems and worries and they tend to forget your flaws and your embarrassing moments. The people who you should worry about are your family and your close friends, their opinions should matter to you because their criticism is constructive.
2. It's okay to bunk
You don't always need to be harsh on yourself. When you think you need some break, just give it to yourself. When you feel that some lecture is not that important and you can get the notes of that lecture, feel free to go out to the cafeteria and have some snacks, or spend some time with your friends out. If you have to maintain attendance, then you should not bunk too often and probably you should save that lecture-skip for some urgent work in the future.
3. No need to always keep up with the work
It is completely normal to fall behind the university or college work. Although it is advantageous to keep up with the daily work, it is completely fine not being able to do so. If you think yourself smart enough to read the whole course on the day before exam, then you should do that. Or if you want to keep up with the daily work, you can utilize your holidays to do enough.
4. Develop sources of passive income
It is a really awesome feeling to be self-dependent and not asking your parents for your needs. So, if you are in college or a university, it is the best time to build a source or sources of passive income. You should start working a little daily so that you can have a good stream of money from that source. Some good sources of passive income are
1. Starting a youtube channel
2. Starting a blog
3. Freelancing
4. Web development
5. Give yourself time
Don’t rush for your goals. Nothing happens overnight. The Instagram and TikTok millionaires are just showing you the beautiful results, they don’t show the struggle behind it, so we think that gotta hurry to be rich and have our fortune. Extend your timeline. Everything takes time and you got to be consistent. Don’t rush, or you gonna end up stressed as hell. Plus, never ever compare yourself with others. It is dangerous for your mental health and self-esteem. Just remember that everybody has something unique to give to the world. Just believe in yourself and hard work.
6. Be practical
Focus more on practicality and experience instead of purpose. If you haven’t yet found your purpose, it is ok, you will find it later on in life, but always keep doing practical things, and keep moving your arse. Get up and do something, only this will teach you things and will help you gain experience, not the purpose list. So keep doing, doesn’t matter if you suck at doing stuff, just keep doing and trying and experimenting, and you will surely get better. "It is better to make a mud house in reality than making a palace in your imagination."
7. Be a gentleman
Always be nice to others. Be the nicest person you know on earth. Be nice and courteous to girls. Be a gentleman. Treat women well. It doesn’t matter if other guys call you a simp, it is better for you to help girls. It will make you a more attractive person and everybody will respect you. But, don't allow anybody to cross your limits. Self-respect is mandatory. You can't give respect to others if you don't respect yourself in the first place.
8. Be independent
Don’t always depend on your friends and family for things. Do things by yourself. Dare to do things and don’t be afraid of failure because you are constantly learning. If you want to get ahead of everybody in the world, then you must become emotionally and physically strong. Never depend emotionally on any guy or girl. Feel good about yourself. Feel fine going out alone, eating alone, spending time alone, and doing stuff alone.
9. Self-improvement
Keep improving yourself. Do things that will make you a better person. Don’t indulge in the things that give your pleasure, because instant pleasures at the moment are gonna give you pain in the future and productive pain is gonna give you pleasure in the future. Try to improve yourself daily, because the things that you do today are gonna compound exponentially with time and will give you the results, accordingly.
10. Enjoy the journey
Enjoy the teenage journey because it will end in the blink of an eye and you will surely love to recall all the beautiful memories you had as a teenager. So, appreciate your life and enjoy the moments and be grateful for them. Make sure you don't work too hard and end up regretting not enjoying your teenage life. So, hang out with your friends more, spend time with your family more, do more of what you love, work for your dreams and your goals and make a lot of money for yourself, and most importantly love yourself and be happy.